Gymnázium uspelo vo výzve ERASMUS+, podpora vzdelávania učiteľov a získalo 14520€ na školenie 8 učiteľov v organizácii European Schoolnet, Future Classroom Laboratory v Bruseli.
Tu prikladáme program. M.Kubičár
Future Classroom Lab course Programming for the 21st century classrooms
Future Classroom Lab, Brussels
Programming and computational thinking skills are becoming ever more important in our society and working life. Learning to code develops various skills such as problem-solving, logical reasoning and creativity, and can help student motivation in mathematics theory as it encourages them to apply their knowledge. Schools are key players in introducing programming to students in an engaging way, and help defuse negative stereotypes around computer science. During the course teachers will learn about the importance of programming in today's society and education, learn ways to introduce programming in cross-curricular work, discover and test different programming tools, explore ways to motivate and encourage students, and develop a programming lesson plan for their classrooms.
The course objectives are:
• To support teachers who are or will be involved in the teaching of computer science, either as a direct subject or as an element of another subject, with their delivery of computer science theories, concepts, principles and activities
• To provide teachers with concrete ideas and resources in teaching programming
• To provide teachers with an overview of the societal context and rationale for the teaching of programming
• To offer teachers a place of exchange with like-minded peers to exchange resources, ideas and provide guidance to each other
The course is addressed to secondary school teachers:
• Computer science teachers who want to get new ideas, tools for teaching their subject
• STEM and other teachers who would like to link to computer science concepts and/or apply programming in their subjects
The participants are expected to have intermediate computer skills, but previous programming experience is not necessary.
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