WELCOME ALEX ! V tomto školskom roku navštevuje naše gymnázium aj americká študentka Alexandra Nichole Bethel Engle. Želáme jej úspešné štúdium, veľa nových kamarátov a víťazný boj so slovenčinou. Volám sa Alexandra Bethel Engle. Mám 16 rokov. Bývam v Beluši. I am the exchange student at our school – Gymnazium Puchov. I am currently staying with the Lutišan Family. I was born in the United States and I lived near Washington D.C. my first 14 years of life. 2 years ago I moved to Hamburg, Germany with my mother. That means that I can speak both English and German fairly fluently. I love to spend my free time cooking/baking, hiking, listening to music, playing flute, playing soccer, reading and writing. I like the color blue. I also enjoy the school subjects biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. Also, after I have finished Gymnasium and have done my Abitur (like Maturita) in Germany, I would like to study biology or chemistry and become a researcher who works with medicine.
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Gymnázium Púchov
3. miesto v kraji
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